12min. vor |
2008-12-18 - Coast To Coast Am With Art Bell - Economy And Financial Fraud - Gerald Celente - Catherine Fitts |
2s. 30min. vor |
1996-01-07 - Dreamland With Art Bell - Robert Morningsky - Terra Papers |
5s. 25min. vor |
1998-07-27 - Coast To Coast Am With Art Bell - Whitley Strieber - Ufo Phenomena |
8s. 20min. vor |
2005-01-29 - Coast To Coast Am With Art Bell - Scott Stevens - Weather Control |
11s. 58min. vor |
1997-02-27 - Coast To Coast Am With Art Bell - Open Lines |
14s. 54min. vor |
2001-06-13 - Coast To Coast Am With Art Bell - Underwater City - Linda Moulton Howe - Stephan Schwartz |
17s. 29min. vor |
2002-01-07 - Coast To Coast Am With Art Bell - Mark Mclaughlin - Alternative Energy |
20s. 4min. vor |
2009-06-26 - Coast To Coast Am With Art Bell - Psi Research - Dean Radin |
22s. 32min. vor |
1996-08-28 - Coast To Coast Am With Art Bell - Ed Dames - Remote Viewing |
1t. 59min. vor |
1996-04-02 - Coast To Coast Am With Art Bell - Euthanasia & Immigration - Open Lines |
1t. 7s. 41min. vor |
1997-11-19 - Coast To Coast Am With Art Bell - Whitley Strieber - Ufos |
1t. 8s. 23min. vor |
1997-07-15 - Coast To Coast Am With Art Bell - Open Lines With Time Traveler Hotline (Hour 1) |
1t. 11s. 1min. vor |
2008-01-04 - Coast To Coast Am With Art Bell - Avian Flu Pandemic - Dr. Gary Ridenour |
1t. 13s. 41min. vor |
1999-05-18 - Coast To Coast Am With Art Bell - Pole Shift And Earth Changes - Stewart Best - Neil Slade - The Brain |
1t. 14s. 14min. vor |
2000-03-07 - Coast To Coast Am With Art Bell - Richard C. Hoagland - Monuments Of Mars |
1t. 16s. 24min. vor |
1999-09-04 - Coast To Coast Am With Art Bell - Hilly Rose - Dr. Ann Blake Tracy - Prozac - Panacea Or Pandora |
1t. 17s. 47min. vor |
1998-04-08 - Coast To Coast Am With Art Bell - Mars And Egypt - Graham Hancock |
1t. 20s. 14min. vor |
2006-02-04 - Coast To Coast Am With Art Bell - Richard Tarnas - Archetypal Astrology - Ed Dames - Bigfoot And Nukes |
1t. 21s. 34min. vor |
1996-02-23 - Coast To Coast Am With Art Bell - Bud Hopkins John Mack Alien Abduction Show On Nova |
1996-01-19 - Coast To Coast Am With Art Bell - Alien And Immortal Open Lines |