OnAir Tunes The Indie Show is a part of the AIR Network of radio stations and musician broadcasting tools. Check out www.onairtunes.com & www.onairgigs.com for more. The Indie Show - The best in Alternative Rock with a splash of nostalgia sprinkled with some Goth, Punk, Shoegaze and 80's / 90's indie rock thrown in! Want to get some great tunes played for free through your PC, Mobile, Notebook, DAB Internet Radio or any other Internet connected device? Then this is for you. Playing only alternative and non-mainstream music & unsigned new music you'll find something to tickle your dark side with The Indie Show. But who the hell is ProdcuerMark? Well I'l tell you a little about me. I've been in and around music since I was but a wee boy. I live in Scotland and playing music, recording music, producing music and broadcasting it has always been my passion. I gained the tag ProducerMark many many years ago when I ran a recording studio and worked with many different bands and musicians and the name stuck as people used it to separate the different "Mark" guys floating around the scene. Back in 1994 I started the first on line broadcasting web site in Europe and gained serious recognition from national UK press and television amazed at what I was doing. In those days you were lucky if web sites had pictures on them - so to find Shockwave 15 minute downloads (now termed podcasts) was 100% original and we enjoyed massive amounts of downloads from all over the world listening to 14kbps 15 minute spots talking and playing music. PRS & MCPS attempted to generate a licensing deal with me so that the broadcasts were 100% legal - but they had no idea what I was doing so they gave me a letter instead! they also congratulated me on beating the large media producers who at that time had still considered the Internet as a passing fad. Unfortunately it was way before it's time and the cost and effort to produce the material meant that funding just wasn't there and no one understood the vision. Now in 2013 - look at what's happened I've watched over the years as the web has developed and in particular the music world and it's like a different planet. So in 2011 myself and others involved back in those days decided lets do "this" instead - so now we have re-launched and re-branded the idea and added live video broadcasting for bands to use to our tools and ideas. That's basically it really - I've been around the block and I fancy going round it again but with some new ideas up my sleeve for you guys out there to enjoy. www.onairtunes.com and www.onairgigs.com are our 2 main OnAir sites and we have some ideas and thoughts to bring the "OnAir Tunes" & "OnAir Gigs" to your screens and introduce some new bands and some old music too for your listening pleasure... The Indie Show & DeadAir are my two streaming stations in the OnAir camp - but we have other people and other stations involved in our fast growing family - so if your into music or in a band then you'd do well do go and see what we're planning and doing. http://www.onairtunes.com
Live now:
Qui a joué sur la radio:
Nightporter - The Fool
The Fighting 69Th - Echos
Gilbert Anderson - Love Is All Around
In Isolation - Film Noir Scandal
Amber Road - Loch Tay Boat Song
The Static Cult - Salvation
Model Kaos - The More
Ruby & The Night Hawks - Get Me
Marlin James - Mug Shot
The Fighting 69Th - Echos
Color Theory - Song Named After A Girl
Yes Scotland - A Voice Of The People 9
Fash Stewart - Sometimes (I Feel Like Killing The Neighbours Rooster)
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lapresse.ca mercredi, 13 mai 2020 21:41:00
Voici comment trouver les adresses des nouveaux fils RSS de LaPresse.ca.
Rammstein critiqué pour une video les montrant en détenus de camps nazis
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« De mauvais goût », « abject » : le groupe de métal industriel allemand Rammstein, habitué des provocations, a recueilli une volée de critiques après la diffusion d'une vidéo où ses membres apparaissent en prisonniers de camp de concentration.
Shakira nie tout plagiat
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Ariana Grande irrite les médias
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Il y a 50 ans, John Lennon et Yoko Ono lançaient leurs «bed-ins»
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The Lumineers, Chemical Brothers et Janelle Monae à Osheaga
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Justin Bieber prend une pause
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Mort de Michel Lamothe d'Offenbach
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Michel «Willie» Lamothe, ex-bassiste du groupe québécois Offenbach, est mort hier. Il avait 71 ans. Le musicien portait ce surnom puisqu'il était le fils du chanteur western Willie Lamothe.
Diana Ross soutient Michael Jackson
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«Arrêtez, au nom de l'amour», a publié samedi sur Twitter Diana Ross, invitant ses abonnés à cesser de critiquer Michael Jackson, dans la foulée des allégations d'agressions sexuelles sur des mineurs présentées dans le documentaire Leaving Nerverland.
Childish Gambino, tête d'affiche d'Osheaga
lapresse.ca mardi, 26 mars 2019 15:00:00
Le promoteur d'Osheaga annonce ce midi l'ensemble de la programmation du festival. La Presse a appris que Donald Glover, alias Childish Gambino, clôturerait l'évènement le 4 août prochain.