Uplifting Music And Powerful PreachingMaasbach Radio is a non-profit, worldwide Christian radio station and part of the Johan Maasbach World Mission Foundation. The goal of the Johan Maasbach World …Mission Foundation is to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the greatest number of people in the shortest possible time, using all means and media at our disposal. HOW IT ALL BEGAN: Johan Maasbach, the founder of the Johan Maasbach World Mission Foundation, grew up as the 13th child in a family with 14 children. At the age of 17, he left to work as an assistant cook on a ship to Hamburg, Germany. During the years at sea, he experienced God’s protecting hand and he knew that God called him to preach the Gospel. In his free time he traveled through Holland with a “gospel tent.” Also Wilhelmina Klumper, born in a family with four children, had a heart for missions. After attending a two-year Bible School in Switzerland, she helped spread the Gospel in the Dutch cities of Stadskanaal en Vroomshoop. During a tent meeting in Stadskanaal, Johan and Wilhelmina met for the first time. In 1952, Johan gave up the foreign trade, and they got married and put their lives full-time in the service of the Lord. They started to organize outreach services in Gouda and bought their first church building. In 1958, in the Malieveld, The Hague, a great crusade took place with evangelist T.L. Osborn, with Johan Maasbach as interpreter. It was a revival Holland had never experienced before. This was a great breakthrough for the full Gospel in Holland. From that time on, Johan Maasbach traveled through Holland and all over the world to organize crusades and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. By the grace of God, many Pentecostal churches were founded and numerous people got saved through the ministry of the Johan Maasbach World Mission Foundation. THE SAME SPIRIT AND GOAL: In 1993, God appointed their oldest son, David Maasbach, and his wife, Regina, to take over the leadership. Together with his brother, John T.L., and his wife, Godelief, on their side, and the help and support of many faithful co-workers, volunteers, partners and friends, they continue the work in the same spirit as Johan Maasbach did. Even today, the message of the Johan Maasbach World Mission Foundation has remained the same as from the beginning. God has blessed and enlarged the work to become a worldwide ministry. It is their desire to stay obedient to the great commission of Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:19 and to bring in the enormous harvest of souls, to restore them, train them in discipleship and teach them to be soul winners for God’s Kingdom as well. MAASBACH RADIO: Maasbach Radio will reach millions of people worldwide and will: • carry out God’s love, mercy and salvation; • bring healing for spirit, soul and body; • bring renewal by the power of God’s Holy Spirit. * All over the world! * 24 hours a day! * 7 days a week! * 365 days a year! * Non-stop! http://www.maasbachradio.com
Live now:
Qui a joué sur la radio:
Lord How I Love You - Fred Hammond
Obedience Precedes Revelation - David Maasbach
180 Degrees - Map
Let It Rain (Is There Anybody) Feat Mandisa - Crowder
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