Insane Realm Radio

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Insane Realm Radio

Genre: Metal
We love Rock Music. Be it Metal, Hard Rock or just good old fashioned Rock and Roll. But mostly we love Indie Rock of all genres which is what we will be playing mostly going forward. As we gather a larger library of Indie Rock, you'll be introduced to more and more great bands that you've never heard before but wish you had. We'll also be playing tons of mainstream stuff, from the 70's, 80's, 90's and today. Not just the singles that you can hear anywhere either, but the obscure song you wouldn't hear unless you've purchased the damn album. This station plays Rock, Hard Rock, Indie Rock, Heavy Metal, Metal and Classic Rock
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Qui a joué sur la radio:
Diversity Of Darkness - Fire And Ice
Atreyu - Congregation Of The Damned
Harry Cane - Twisted Mind Radio Show #258 - December 8, 2020
Barren Earth - Set Alight
Van Halst - 2. Save Me
Arythma - Void
Adagio - The Stringless Violin
Never Elected - Wake Up
Harry Cane - Twisted Mind Radio Show (Promo)
Novarium - Christain Woman
Job For A Cowboy - Tarnished Gluttony
Magnus Rising - The Drill
King Witch - Return To Dust
Maelstrom - Predestined
Edge Of Paradise - Alive
Anup Sastry - Legend
Monolith - Cosmic Fairy
Coldspell - Goin' All The Way
Burning Witches - Dance With The Devil
Autocatalytica - Zippler
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  • The Lumineers, Chemical Brothers et Janelle Monae à Osheaga mardi, 26 mars 2019 22:02:00

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Genre: Metal
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