War Room with Owen Shroyer

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War Room with Owen Shroyer

Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! The news web site of syndicated radio host Alex Jones - because there
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  • Tomorrow’s News Today: Alex Jones Accurately Predicts RBG’s Death In 2020

    infowars.com Saturday, 3 October 2020 23:07:32

    Infowars host accurately described how the sequence of political events will occur in election year.

  • The President’s Life Is In Danger — Being Given Highly Dangerous Drugs

    infowars.com Saturday, 3 October 2020 22:19:35

    Trump has been given experimental drug and is now undergoing Remdesivir therapy.

  • Michigan Supreme Court Rules Gov. Whitmer’s Draconian COVID Lockdown Measures Unconstitutional

    infowars.com Saturday, 3 October 2020 22:15:06

    Follows Pennsylvania and Texas rulings against unconstitutional lockdown policies.

  • Can Deep State Launch Coup While Trump Gets Treatment At Walter Reed Hospital?

    infowars.com Saturday, 3 October 2020 22:12:51

    'There is a level of arrogance and independence among the military that I have never seen in my lifetime and I think it’s reaching dangerous proportions,' says colonel.

  • Google Trends Shows More People Searching ‘How to Vote Republican’ Than ‘How To Vote Democrat’ Since Last Year

    infowars.com Saturday, 3 October 2020 21:43:33

    Data signals encouraging news for conservative voters.

  • Viral Hydroxychloroquine Doctor Offers To Prescribe Trump Controversial Drug If DC Doctors Won’t

    infowars.com Saturday, 3 October 2020 21:09:02

    Dr. Stella Immanuel wants to be sure President Trump and First Lady Melania are taking hydroxychloroquine.

  • Poll: 40% Of Democrats Say They’re ‘Happy’ About Trump Testing Positive For Coronavirus

    infowars.com Saturday, 3 October 2020 20:58:23

    The party of love and tolerance reveals themselves as anything but.

  • Sen. Ron Johnson, Kellyanne Conway Test Positive; 24 Infected In White House COVID-19 Outbreak

    infowars.com Saturday, 3 October 2020 20:43:07

    China Virus spreading among Executive Branch officials following Trump diagnosis.

  • SICK: Profs cheer Trump’s COVID-19 diagnosis

    infowars.com Saturday, 3 October 2020 15:56:20

    Many of these academics appeared to celebrate the commander-in-chief's diagnosis.

  • AU receives $1.1 million from Bill Gates Foundation, others for ‘antiracist’ learning

    infowars.com Saturday, 3 October 2020 15:41:06

    American University received over $1.1 million from left-wing nonprofits to decolonize its curriculum.

  • Trump does NOT require ‘any supplemental oxygen’, but started on Remdesivir antiviral therapy – White House physician

    infowars.com Saturday, 3 October 2020 15:26:53

    "He has completed his first dose and is resting comfortably."

  • Facebook Says Users Can Wish For Trump’s Death By COVID So Long As They Don’t Tag Him

    infowars.com Saturday, 3 October 2020 15:14:38

    "We distinguish between public figures and private individuals because we want to allow discussion."

  • Senior Trump Official: CNN’s Claim Trump Has Trouble Breathing Is Bogus And ‘Downright Disgraceful’

    infowars.com Saturday, 3 October 2020 15:04:23

    "Trump adviser said there is reason for concern about Trump's health tonight" - Acosta

  • President Trump NOT Taking Hydroxychloroquine After Positive COVID-19 Test

    infowars.com Saturday, 3 October 2020 14:57:06

    The President was admitted into hospital as a precautionary measure earlier today.

  • TUNE IN NOW: Trump Rushed To Hospital After Testing Positive For Coronavirus

    infowars.com Saturday, 3 October 2020 05:45:07

    SHARE this broadcast! It's a historic time to be alive.

  • Friday Night ANTIFA Smackdown Episode 5

    infowars.com Saturday, 3 October 2020 04:35:51

    Watch the latest edition below.

  • What the Devil? Hillary Clinton Has Sexually Explicit Book of Satanic Glass Porn

    infowars.com Saturday, 3 October 2020 04:12:02

    Bizarre book appeared in photo posted by former Democrat presidential candidate.

  • Trump Heads to Military Hospital as “Precautionary Measure”

    infowars.com Saturday, 3 October 2020 03:48:38

    President to continue work from a "special suite" at Walter Reed military hospital near DC

  • Over 100 Illegals Found in Trailer at Border Checkpoint

    infowars.com Saturday, 3 October 2020 02:43:41

    Hundreds of big rig smuggling attempts involving thousands of illegals thwarted in FY2020

  • Facebook Censors Woman’s Video of ‘Foreign’ Male Assaulting Her on French Train

    infowars.com Saturday, 3 October 2020 02:41:36

    "Sweet France... take care of you girls," victim pleads in censored post

  • Companies Announce Tens of Thousands of Layoffs

    infowars.com Saturday, 3 October 2020 01:27:41

    Government lockdowns causing long-term economic damage


    infowars.com Saturday, 3 October 2020 00:15:54

    Music video exposes globalist corona agenda.

  • Flashback: AJ Predicting Trump Would Get Corona and How The Left Would Attack Him

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 23:42:53

    How could he have guessed?

  • Pelosi Discusses Continuity of Government Following Trump Covid Diagnosis

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 23:27:24

    House Speaker acutely aware she stands second in line to presidency should something happen to Trump, Pence.

  • Biden Tests Negative For COVID-19 Following Trump Diagnosis

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 22:42:42

    Democrat presidential candidate uses negative results to push face masks.

  • The Proud Boys Are NOT White Supremacists

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 22:37:32

    Learn the truth about the controversial group.

  • Michael Moore: “Evil Genius” Trump Could be Lying About Having COVID to Postpone the Election

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 22:30:57

    "He’s not above weaponizing this.”

  • Trump Testing Positive For Coronavirus Could Actually Help His Chances of Re-Election

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 21:49:12

    It boosted both Bolsonaro and Boris Johnson’s approval numbers.

  • Trump Order Seeks to Combat China’s Rare-Earth Minerals Dominance

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 21:09:32

    EO declares "national emergency" in US mining industry

  • Trump Vows to Revoke ‘Ridiculous’ Gender-Sensitive Navy SEAL Changes Immediately

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 21:07:14

    Navy removes gendered words like “brotherhood," “man” from official SEAL ethos

  • Leftists Claim Trump Faked His Coronavirus Infection

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 19:55:04

    To allow him to beat the virus quickly and downplay its severity.

  • Could Trump’s Coronavirus Test Be a False Positive?

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 19:25:05

    “Up to 90 percent of people testing positive carried barely any virus,” NYT reported.

  • Cadet Sues US Naval Academy Following Expulsion Over ‘Racist’ Tweets

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 19:03:37

    Man is 'first casualty in academy’s unconditional adoption of woke culture,' attorney says

  • Chinese State Media Gloats About Trump Catching Coronavirus

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 18:13:58

    Celebrates possibility it could cost him the election.

  • Video: Democratic Ad Compares 2020 America To Nazi Germany

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 17:31:18

    Campaign ad described as "deeply offensive" by ADL

  • CNN’s Don Lemon Suggests Trump Said Coronavirus Was a “Hoax”

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 16:44:39

    Never happened.

  • Washington Post Tweets “Imagine What it Will be Like Never to Have to Think About Trump Again” After Coronavirus Announcement

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 16:22:04

    Tweet unconnected to Trump’s diagnosis, but WaPo deleted it less than an hour later.

  • Medical Journal Calls For Mandatory Covid Vaccine: ‘Noncompliance Should Incur A Penalty’

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 16:06:35

    Suggests that “employment suspension or stay-at-home orders” should be used to force people to get a jab

  • 2,000 Honduran Migrants Cross Into Guatemala

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 16:01:52

    Latest migrant caravan growing, moving fast towards US

  • Leftists Celebrate Trump Covid Diagnosis

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 15:22:03

    CNN wonders who is going to take over as President

  • CNN’s Cuomo, Lemon: If Hicks, Trump Had Worn Masks ‘We May Not Be in This Situation’

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 13:53:05

    “This is more about a person at the top setting the example.”

  • Presidential Debate Moderator Steve Scully Interned For Joe Biden, Reportedly Bashed Trump On Twitter

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 13:33:01

    Scully served as an intern for then-Senator Joe Biden and as a staff assistant in Ted Kennedy's media affairs office.

  • Why say ‘riot’ when you can be vague and sensitive instead, AP Stylebook urges in newest Orwellian guidelines

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 13:26:15

    AP said the word somehow “suggests uncontrolled chaos and pandemonium.”

  • Melania Trump Comes Off Looking Great In Tapes Secretly Recorded by Low-Life Backstabbing ‘Friend’

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 13:23:04

    How could anyone see the way all the most despicable cretins on the planet hate Trump and his family and not want to vote for him just out of spite?

  • If Democrats Take The White House And Congress In November, It Will All Be Over For The Republican Party

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 13:18:07

    So much is at stake, and right now Republican candidates are behind in the polls in critical races all over the nation.

  • ‘Doomsday Planes’ Activated After Pres. Trump Tests Positive For Coronavirus

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 13:07:52

    "Stratcom wants them to be seen."

  • Trump, First Lady Test Positive For Covid-19

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 11:28:50

    Expect the next debate to be postponed

  • Navy Seals Get Neutered! Plus “Child Marriages” Skyrocketing Due To Covid – Thursday Live

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 05:50:47

    Navy removes gendered language from SEAL creed - share this link and tune in for the break down!

  • If Democrats Win, The MOB Wins

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 04:59:13

    Powerful ad shows what America could become if Trump loses.

  • Fair? C-SPAN Moderator of 2nd Presidential Debate Shared “Never Trump” Op-ed

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 04:35:56

    So much for fairness.

  • Captain Cringe! Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Dresses As “Rona Destroyer”

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 04:31:11

    Stunt intended to bring attention to city's Halloween COVID guidelines.

  • Dozens of Minneapolis Business Owners Plead With City Leaders Over Crime Crisis

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 03:45:42

    "We are still supporting the city, but the city is not supporting us."

  • CIA Director Haspel Personally Blocking Declassification Of Russiagate Documents

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 03:41:38

    Documents would show American people truth of what actually happened.

  • American Embassy Employee Dies After Apparent Brutal Attack in Ukraine

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 03:32:14

    Woman found with fatal head injuries after leaving for jog

  • TWO Ghislaine Maxwell Nephews Worked For Obama-Biden And Clinton

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 03:24:44

    A family affair.

  • Peter Schiff Warns of Fourth Quarter Fireworks

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 02:53:14

    Economist breaks down how election will impact market

  • Black Proud Boys Destroy Left-Wing Lies, Denounce White Supremacy

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 02:41:19

    'We are not a white supremacist group.'

  • Compilation: 20 Times Trump Condemned, Disavowed White Supremacy, Neo-Nazis

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 02:14:05

    Video shatters leftist media's tired narrative that Orange Man racist.

  • Rising Star Cyclist Suspended By US Team For One Word ‘Pro-Trump’ Tweet

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 00:38:48

    Cyclist's tweet showed mere indirect support to President Trump.

  • Largest Texas County Adds Noncitizens to Voter Rolls

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 00:22:21

    Harris County, which includes Houston, had more than four million people in the last census...

  • ‘You cannot lock down everybody’: Madrid Leaders Oppose Spanish Govt’s Plan to Lock Down Capital

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 00:10:16

    Health Ministry said central government overriding regional authorities to impose lockdown of city of over 3 million people in coming days.

  • Writing by Hand Makes Kids Smarter

    infowars.com Friday, 2 October 2020 00:08:03

    Handwriting gives brain more hooks to hang memories on

  • ‘Life on Venus’ plot thickens as new discovery suggests NASA may have found life-indicating gas in 1978, they just forgot

    infowars.com Thursday, 1 October 2020 23:59:56

    There are no known natural processes that might explain the volume of the gas found

  • Armenian Defense Ministry Says Karabakh Forces Downed Three Azerbaijani Planes

    infowars.com Thursday, 1 October 2020 23:53:33

    Tensions escalate as sides accuse each other of being responsible for the aggression

  • AP Style Guide Warns Reporters Not to Describe Democrat Riots as “Riots”

    infowars.com Thursday, 1 October 2020 23:43:10

    Left-leaning news org coordinates reporting to cover for radical leftist violence.

  • Ted Cruz Tells CNN: “Trump Broke You Guys”

    infowars.com Thursday, 1 October 2020 21:33:05

    Slams Joe Biden for wanting to shut down America.

  • Three Years Later: What Happens In Vegas Stays In Vegas

    infowars.com Thursday, 1 October 2020 21:30:29

    Share this bombshell flashback report on the deadliest mass shooting modern US history

  • Gov. Newsom Approves Task Force on ‘Slavery Reparations’

    infowars.com Thursday, 1 October 2020 21:12:22

    Taxpayers wonder how ‘broke’ California will foot the bill

  • New Migrant Caravan Heads for US

    infowars.com Thursday, 1 October 2020 21:05:37

    Hundreds of Central American migrants moving toward US border ahead of election

  • The NRA Would Be Wise to Leave New York ASAP

    infowars.com Thursday, 1 October 2020 21:01:03

    The NRA would be wise to vote with its feet. Millions of Americans have already escaped the high taxes and freedom-destroying blue state regimes by doing the same

  • Trump Admin Slashes Refugee Admissions to Record Low

    infowars.com Thursday, 1 October 2020 21:00:54

    Feds announce 15,000 cap for coming year

  • CNN Says We’re Never “Getting Back to Normal”

    infowars.com Thursday, 1 October 2020 21:00:48

    Wearing face masks is going to become “permanent.”

  • Dems, GOP Agree to Include Check Payments in Next COVID Relief Bill – Mnuchin

    infowars.com Thursday, 1 October 2020 20:55:25

    Batch of direct payments would be similar to last round, Treasury Secretary says

  • NY Times Admits WHO’s Decision Not to Close Borders at Start of Pandemic Was Based on “Politics,” Not Science

    infowars.com Thursday, 1 October 2020 17:51:23

    We told you that 8 months ago.

  • China Uses Presidential Debate To Attack America, Promote Global Authoritarianism

    infowars.com Thursday, 1 October 2020 17:27:04

    “America has no choice but to come to some kind of way to live peacefully with China”

  • Flashback: Chris Wallace Mocked Trump in 1988 Interview

    infowars.com Thursday, 1 October 2020 17:13:54

    Suggested president should apologize for his wealth.

  • Trump To Biden On Antifa: “Ideas Don’t Burn Down Buildings”

    infowars.com Thursday, 1 October 2020 15:02:03

    "Ideas don’t assault cops"

  • WATCH: Portland BLM ‘security’ tackles man to the ground, puts him in chokehold

    infowars.com Thursday, 1 October 2020 13:47:52

    At one point, a young white man was seen moving quickly through the crowd before being unceremoniously steamrolled to the ground by ‘security’ at the event before being placed in a chokehold.

  • Video Shows Masked Man ‘Robbing Mail Truck in Long Beach’

    infowars.com Thursday, 1 October 2020 13:45:35

    Remember, folks: mail-in voting is safe and secure!

  • Will The 2020 Election Be The Beginning Of The End For Our System Of Government?

    infowars.com Thursday, 1 October 2020 13:28:00

    Once faith in our system is gone, it will be nearly impossible to get back.

  • ‘The Tech Giants Are Silencing Those Who Hold Different Opinions’: Hungary Govt Twitter Account Suspended

    infowars.com Thursday, 1 October 2020 13:09:32

    "If you have another opinion to the liberal mainstream — on migration… these mistakes seem to happen”.

  • Coinbase Has A New Plan For Dealing With Office SJWs: Pay Them To Leave

    infowars.com Thursday, 1 October 2020 13:05:52

    "They have the potential to destroy a lot of value at most companies, both by being a distraction, and by creating internal division."

  • Facebook bans all US ads criticizing voting fraud, election results or methods after angry letter from Biden campaign

    infowars.com Thursday, 1 October 2020 13:01:28

    The campaign of Democrat nominee Joe Biden sent Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg an angry letter, accusing the platform of being “the nation’s foremost propagator of disinformation about the voting process.”

  • Former Twitter CEO Calls For Political Enemies to be “Lined Up Against The Wall and Shot”

    infowars.com Thursday, 1 October 2020 08:50:02

    Place your bets on him getting banned.

  • Wednesday Livestream: Biden’s “WireGate” Scandal, Plus Trump’s Rally & More!

    infowars.com Thursday, 1 October 2020 05:55:23

    Host DeAnna Lorraine breaks down the hottest election news the mainstream media wants kept hidden!

  • Kyle Rittenhouse Attorney Files Defamation Suit Against Joe Biden Campaign Over “White Supremacist” Claim

    infowars.com Thursday, 1 October 2020 05:12:13

    'Candidate Biden = Defendant Biden... @realDonaldTrump is not Biden’s biggest problem.'

  • Senate Republicans Shred James Comey Over Hillary’s Russia Hoax Plot, FBI’s FISA Abuse, Steele Dossier Source During Testimony

    infowars.com Thursday, 1 October 2020 05:07:53

    'Nobody trusts the FBI anymore because of you, and that is your legacy,' Ted Cruz says.

  • Shooting at Amazon Warehouse Leaves One Dead, One Wounded

    infowars.com Thursday, 1 October 2020 03:46:03

    Second deadly shooting at Florida facility in three months

  • French Butcher Tear-Gassed by Youth Gang for Selling Pork

    infowars.com Thursday, 1 October 2020 03:44:50

    Suspects as young as 12 point fake gun at employees, terrorize customers

  • What’s Up Biden’s Sleeve?

    infowars.com Thursday, 1 October 2020 03:04:58

    Share this slowed down footage of the first presidential debate!

  • Hilarious! Memes Expose Trump VS. Chris Wallace/Joe Biden Tag Team

    infowars.com Thursday, 1 October 2020 00:15:21

    President took on two Democrats simultaneously and emerged victorious.

  • COVID Police Crash 10-Year-Old Girl’s Birthday Party After Neighbors Snitch on Family

    infowars.com Wednesday, 30 September 2020 23:06:35

    Mother placed on watchlist after being grassed up.

  • Biden Gets Confused By Passing Train During Short Speech, Campaign Sign Falls In Front Of Him

    infowars.com Wednesday, 30 September 2020 22:50:43

    Bumbles through awkward anti-Trump speech following terrible debate performance.

  • Attorney Demands Retraction After Biden Claims Rittenhouse A White Supremacist

    infowars.com Wednesday, 30 September 2020 22:21:30

    Biden offers no evidence to his claim

  • ‘No More Debates!’: Democrats Demand Cancellation Of Presidential Debates After Disastrous Biden Performance

    infowars.com Wednesday, 30 September 2020 22:20:16

    ‘That was a hot mess, inside a dumpster fire, inside a train wreck.'

  • Man Stabbed to Death by Migrant For Trying to Prevent Girlfriend Being Raped Was Targeted Over ‘Sweden Democrats’ Cap

    infowars.com Wednesday, 30 September 2020 22:17:17

    “He’s a racist.”

  • Appeals Court Upholds Extended Wisconsin Ballot Deadline

    infowars.com Wednesday, 30 September 2020 21:15:05

    Ballots valid even if received six days after election

  • NYC Hammered By 40% Bankruptcy Surge

    infowars.com Wednesday, 30 September 2020 21:08:39

    Cold weather predicted to trigger next wave of economic fallout

  • Graphic Video: Woman Aboard Flight Climbs on Seats, Threatens Passengers

    infowars.com Wednesday, 30 September 2020 21:05:44

    Passengers restrain crazed woman during profane, sexual rant

  • Video: White BLM Supporters Flee From Black Trump Supporters in Cleveland

    infowars.com Wednesday, 30 September 2020 19:54:51

    Optics check?

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War Room with Owen Shroyer
Genre: Various
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