Радио Максимум - Москва 103.7 FM

Rating: 6 (7)

Genres:  Various
Bitrate: 64
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Радио Максимум - Москва 103.7 FM

Radio MAXIMUM is the first Russian-American radio station, founded by Westwood One, Harris Corporation, StoryFirst Communications and the Moscovskiye Novosti newspaper. Radio MAXIMUM was launched in Moscow on 25 December 1991 on 103.7 FM. Two years later MAXIMUM got the name of «Two Capitals Radio», when it started broadcasting in St Petersburg on 102.8 FM. MAXIMUM was a pioneer to make TOP20 popular songs chart based on listeners votes - «Hit Parade Dvukh Stolits» (The Two Capitals Chart). MAXIMUM was the first Russian radio station to hold its own rock music festival called MAXIDROM. In 1995 the festival got together the best Russian rock bands of that time. In 1995 MAXIDROM got «Ovacia» Award and was entitled The Best Music Event of the year. Since 2003 MAXIDROM became an international festival inviting to perform foreign rock bands as well as Russian ones. Moreover in 1996 MAXIMUM was the first radio station in Russia to hold a huge dance festival called MAXIDANCE. Radio MAXIMUM won big amount of awards: «Ovacia», «Znak Kachestva» as The Best Radio Station - 4 times, National Popov Award - 3 times. Since 2005 MAXIMUM is a part of the Russian largest Holding Russian MediaGroup. Every year Radio MAXIMUM supports main music events in Russia (concerts of Russian and foreign stars, such as Lenny Kravitz, Depeche Mode, Blur, Garbage, White Stripes, Scorpions, Moby, Pink, H.I.M., The Rasmus,Fall Out Boy, Placebo, Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit,Prodigy,Kiss,Bullet For My Valentine,Motley Crue,Faith No More,Franz Ferdinand, Morcheeba, Duran Duran and many others).

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Qui a joué sur la radio:
Creed - My Sacrifice
Morcheeba - Otherwise
H.i.m. - Gone With The Sin
Hinder - Homecoming Queen
My Chemical Romance - Sing
Depeche Mode - Precious
Creed - With Arms Wide Open
Of Mice & Men - Sunflower
Hozier - Take Me To Church
R.e.m. - Drive
The Chemical Brothers - Galvanize
Razorlight - America
The Cranberries - Promises
Thornley - All Comes Out In The Wash
Thousand Foot Krutch - Outta Control
Nickelback - If Everyone Cared
Orson - Cool Cops
Fort Minor - Where'd You Go
P.o.d. - Alive
Muse - Time Is Running Out
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Радио Максимум - Москва 103.7 FM
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Genre: Russian
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