Violent Forces Radio

रेटिंग: 6.1 (7)

बिटरेट: 192
ध्वनि प्रारूप: MP3
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Violent Forces Radio

विधा: धातु संगीत - Metal
Thrash Metal Internet RadioViolent Forces Radio is an internet radio station specializing in Thrash Metal. Some of the bands you'll hear in rotation regularly include Exodus, Kreator, De...struction, Coroner, Onslaught, Whiplash, Razor, D.R.I., Suicidal Tendencies, Heathen, Demolition Hammer, Exhorder, Hypnosia, Avenger Of Blood and Warbringer just to name a few.
 अब जीयो:
हाल ही में रेडियो पर क्या खेला:
Impact - In The Flesh
Anthrax - A.d.i. / Horror Of It All
Home Style Surgery - Surgical Sculpture
Warpath - Face To Face
Reign Of Fury - Sorrow Made Flesh
Enforced - The Doctrine
Hatriot - Carnival Of Execution
Suicidal Angels - From All The One
Hirax - Flesh And Blood
Deviance - Entity
Critical Defiance - 507
Razor - Great White Lie
Anthrax - Fight 'em Til You Can't
The Haunted - Soul Fracture
Gama Bomb - Monsterizer
Total Annihilation - Falling Fast
Corrosion Of Conformity - Positive Outlook
Bloodride - Bow To Disorder
Metal Church - Flee From Reality
Sadus - Illusions
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विधा: Metal
Violent Forces Radio
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