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评分: 7 (7)
比特率: 128
声音格式: MP3

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类型: 福音音乐 - Gospel
Paroledelivrance, Inc. is a not-for-profit, religious corporation as defined under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, located in New York, USA. Paroledelivrance is a multifaceted, soul-winning ministry committed to proclaiming the Gospel including the Three Angels Messages of Revelation 14. We believe in the imminent return of Jesus Christ. The goal of this Ministry is to glorify Jesus, strengthen, and save souls through the preaching of the Word of God.We have broadcasting programs on Ten (10) Radio Stations in New York, New Jersey, Florida and Haiti. We reach virtually more than 15,000 people every week.From Monday to Friday we are streaming Live Morning Prayer 6h-7h and Midday Prayer Service 11h30am-12h30pm. On the site www. taskerweb.comparole, you can also listen to spiritual music 247 and whenever you want, you have access to some significant messages to help you in your everyday life.Paroledelivrance is a Faith-based Ministry, fully dependent on God to touch people like you to keep this work funded, and moving forward, according to His will. This Ministry is supported by those who long to bring the whole counsel of God to a desperate world. God is looking for people who are wholly dedicated to His calling.
Amazing Grace - 05 - Track05
Varietes #i - Le Nou Prie
Varietes #i - Shilo Le Messie
Lochard Remy - Mouin Gin Yon Zanmi
Hymnes & Louanges - Il Est Une Fontaine....
Hymnes & Louanges - T'aimer Jesus Te Connaitre # 297 H & L
Jean Carol Boutreau - Track 1
Tamela Mann - Take Me To The King - Copy
La Francaise - Lorsque Ton Ame Pleure
London Philharmonic Choir - Medley
Maranatha - Track 13
America's Gospel 4 - The Old Account Was Settled
Jesus At The Center - Israel Houghton & New Breed (1)
Je Viens New Clip Gael - Youtube
Shirley Caesar - O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing (Remastered Version)
Evens Gregoire - Fredone
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类型: Gospel
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