Boot Liquor: Americana roots music for Cowhands, Cowpokes and Cowtippers. [SomaFM]

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Boot Liquor: Americana roots music for Cowhands, Cowpokes and Cowtippers. [SomaFM]

Independent, free internet radio with no commercials. 18 unique channels featuring underground electronica, chillout, ambient groove, downtempo, lounge, space music, indie rock and techno, also known as Intelligent dance music (IDM). This is music composed digitally, creating sounds from bits rather than with bits and the instrument of choice of most IDM artists is a laptop computer. Typical artists include: Telefon Tel Aviv, Boards Of Canada, Autechre, Aphex Twin, Mu-ziq, Black Dog, Cex, Ulrich Schnauss, and Album Leaf. Only from
Corb Lund - Hard On Equipment (Tool For The Job)
Jonboy Langford - There You Go
Nq Arbuckle - Happy Birthday
Jonell Mosser - Lungs
Two Dollar Pistols - It Doesn't Matter Much To Me
Long Gone Lonesome Boys - King Of Beers
Steep Canyon Rangers - Desparate And Blue
Drive-By Truckers - Two Daughters And A Beautiful Wife
Randy Newman - Big Hat, No Cattle
Gill Landry - Mexico
Roger Creager - The Everclear Song
George Jones With Ray Charles - We Didn't See A Thing
Notorious Cherry Bombs - Wait A Minute
Chris Knight - Flesh & Blood
Spicious Brothers - Drunk Again
Luther Black And The Cold Hard Factss - 59
Merle Haggard - Mexican Bands
Scott Miller & The Commonwealth - Let You Down
John Doe And The Sadies - The Cold Hard Facts Of Life
Fred Eaglesmith - Small Motors
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Boot Liquor: Americana roots music for Cowhands, Cowpokes and Cowtippers. [SomaFM]
Top 10: USA Top 10: USA

类型: Lounge
Boot Liquor: Americana roots music for Cowhands, Cowpokes and Cowtippers. [SomaFM]
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