Digitalis. Analog rock, digitally-affected, to calm the agitated heart. [SomaFM]

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Digitalis. Analog rock, digitally-affected, to calm the agitated heart. [SomaFM]

类型: 摇滚音乐 - Rock
Independent, free internet radio with no commercials. 18 unique channels featuring underground electronica, chillout, ambient groove, downtempo, lounge, space music, indie rock and techno, also known as Intelligent dance music (IDM). This is music composed digitally, creating sounds from bits rather than with bits and the instrument of choice of most IDM artists is a laptop computer. Typical artists include: Telefon Tel Aviv, Boards Of Canada, Autechre, Aphex Twin, Mu-ziq, Black Dog, Cex, Ulrich Schnauss, and Album Leaf. Only from
Album Leaf - One Minute
The Midnight - Fire In The Sky
Electric President - Robophobia
Unknown Mortal Orchestra - Monki
Winterlight - Half Forgotten
Peter Broderick & Machinefabri - Rain
The Midnight - Monsters (Feat. Jupiter Winter)
Aeroc - For Sake
Ulrich Schnauss & Jonas Munk - Coming Up For Air
Lali Puna - Nin-Com-Pop (T.leboeg Mix (Com
Howling - X Machina
Heterotic - Triumph (Ft. Vezelay)
Will Samson & Heimer - Upon The Dust
Dirk Geiger - Einsam (Feat. Erode)
Boom Bip - Do As I Do
Teen Daze - New Life
Headlights - School Boys (Cale Parks Remix)
Astronautica - Champagne Constellation
Four Tet - First Thing/chia (The Space Be
L'altra - There Is No
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Digitalis. Analog rock, digitally-affected, to calm the agitated heart. [SomaFM]
Top 10: USA Top 10: USA

类型: Rock
Digitalis. Analog rock, digitally-affected, to calm the agitated heart. [SomaFM]
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