Metallica & Megadeth Radio, Classic Heavy Metal/80's, 90'sHardRock

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ACDC Radio

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POWER PROG RADIO - Your No.1 Metal & Rock Sound Source

POWER PROG RADIO - Your No.1 Metal & Rock Sound Source

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Led Zep Radio

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Hard Rock Radio Live With The Music That Doesn't Suck

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Rock Velvet

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Hotmixradio Metal

Hotmixradio Metal

Hotmixradio Rock, écouter la radio gratuite, webradio, écouter musique pop rock ! Nouveautés interviews news people actus clips vidéos biographies, une radio du bouquet de radios numériques gratuites. Les titres et les artistes que vous aimez sont sur l'une des...
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IP Changing use

IP Changing use

PowerRock 107 - The Hard Rock...
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Dead To Self Radio - Christian Rock & Metal Radio

Dead To Self Radio - Christian Rock & Metal Radio

Dead To Self Radio - 24 hour Christian Rock and Metal Online Radio. Playing your favorite Christian rock/metal such as Stryper, Rob Rock, Skillet, Demon Hunter, Red, Whitecross, Saint, Barren Cross, and more. We are a Christian hard rock and heavy metal online radio station. We mix great Christian...
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Punksender n.e.V.

Punksender n.e.V.

Punksender Punk rock music, Hardcore, Crust, Oi!, Ska, Punkabilly, Punk,Anarcho-Sound, Punk 77, D-Beat, SkaPunk,Punk as Fuck 24 / 7 Punk- Radio – From Punks for Punks without any advertising by companies or intention to sell you anything. Punksender was founded, because you can listen to shit...
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ARMOR-RADIO.COM - All Rock 'n' Metal Online Radio

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LoveSongs 247

LoveSongs 247 broadcasts 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We play music from every decade, so you’ll be sure to find the music you love. Playing all the best music from the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s and 10s – it’s the station to listen to if you love songs. has now been...
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Fuel Radio - Christian Metal & Hard Rock Radio

Fuel Radio - Christian Metal & Hard Rock Radio

Fuel Radio - 24 hour Christian Hard Music Online Radio. Playing your favorite music like As I Lay Dying, Demon Hunter, Disciple, August Burns Red, Skillet, P.O.D. and more..Lansing, MISancrosanct RecordsSancrosanct Records, founded by Tony Padilla, is a proud independent and Christian record label...
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Hard Rock Radio Network

Hard Rock Radio Network, Peru Illinois. Playing the best hard rock PERIOD! Playing the best hard rock PERIOD! Live from Peru IL broadcasting 24-7 worldwide. Listen by going to our website Less talk, MORE ROCK!Listen to us here!...
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Punksender n.e.V.

Punksender n.e.V.

Punksender Punk rock music, Hardcore, Crust, Oi!, Ska, Punkabilly, Punk,Anarcho-Sound, Punk 77, D-Beat, SkaPunk,Punk as Fuck 24 / 7 Punk- Radio – From Punks for Punks without any advertising by companies or intention to sell you anything. Punksender was founded, because you can listen to shit...
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RockRadio1.Com - Classic Hard Rock and Heavy Metal Mix, 24/7 Live Requests /

RockRadio1.Com - Classic Hard Rock and Heavy Metal Mix, 24/7 Live Requests /

Classic Hard Rock Heavy Metal Commercial Free Internet Radio London England...
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RADIO.IPIP.CZ: Rebel Radio Brod

RADIO.IPIP.CZ: Rebel Radio Brod

Hudební databáze / žebříček na bázi sociální sítě a wikipedie. On-air poslech hudby a rádií.Radio Brod, o.s.Sociální síť hudebních skupin, zpěváků a jejich...
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Rockhausradio - Be true, be hard, be Rockhausradio.

Rockhausradio - Be true, be hard, be Rockhausradio.

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Onlyrockfm Montreal's kick ass rock and light metal station.

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Enigma Underground Radio

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ADR 210 Classic Rock

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897 Hard Rock FM Surabaya

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Progulus - Online Progressive Rock Radio

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RockaRolla Radio

RockaRolla Radio

The Free Rock Radio station in...
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DJ-Zemrushat radiozemra

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Hand of Doom Radio

Streaming Doom, Stoner and Sludge riffage 24/7, 365 days a year. Regularly updated with mindbending riffage from all over the...
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RADIO.IPIP.CZ: Rebel Radio Brod

RADIO.IPIP.CZ: Rebel Radio Brod

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RADIO METAL ON: 80s Hard'n'Heavy

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Hard As A Rock

Hard As A Rock

OnAir Tunes The Indie Show is a part of the AIR Network of radio stations and musician broadcasting tools. Check out & for more. The Indie Show - The best in Alternative Rock with a splash of nostalgia sprinkled with some Goth, Punk, Shoegaze and 80's /...
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>>> POLSKASTACJA .PL >>> - Mocne Brzmienie Rocka (Polskie Radio)

>>> POLSKASTACJA .PL >>> - Mocne Brzmienie Rocka (Polskie Radio)

Świat tak szybko pędzi, wokół tylko hałas, a zewsząd osaczają nas betonowe mury... Zatrzymaj się!!! Najwyższy czas, byś wsłuchał się w siebie! Czas, byś nakarmił swoją duszę muzycznym ukojeniem. Włącz OPEN FM i przenieś się w krainę łagodności. OPEN FM stworzyło tę stację, by ukołysać Twoje...
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" - Q101 Today's Hard Rock 64k"

" - Q101 Today's Hard Rock 64k" – Free Internet Radio. First there was AM, then FM, satellite and now us, a broadcasting network using the internet to broadcast our 50 + channels to you for free 24/7/365. Our channels range from rock to pop, rap to oldies, classical, blues, country dance/EDM styles and...
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Skullfucker Radio

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FLY FM radio

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Top 20: España
Spektrafm Radio Maria Spain Qfm Jazz LATINO FM EN DIRECTO ( MALAGA ANDALUCIA ESPANA SPAIN ESPANOL QDRADIO Stream Radiovoz Coruña RTFM Lounge PulsRadio LOUNGE Dance One Radio San Francisco PulsRadio DANCE - Best 50s Radio Azul Radio Dominicana Radio Radio Network - Marbella v2 JamendoLounge Best Spain No Name JamendoLounge Ambianceclassique Ibiza Global Radio AAC Qfm Jazz