- Pioneer Inspirational Radio Guam - MELODIES OF PRAYER

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Winamp - Pioneer Inspirational Radio Guam - MELODIES OF PRAYER

MELODIES OF PRAYER Wishing you God's richest blessings. May His hand guide you on your journey today. And may His face shine upon you and give you peace. Heavenly melodies, fine classics, Spirit of Prophecy inspirationals for healing and uplifting. May Heaven's beauty, power, and love fill your heart today.... THE SECRET PLACE OF THE MOST HIGH “I lift mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my strength .. “ (David’s psalm) Warm greetings, friend on the Journey, Today, the psalmist through his psalm still sings a song about the mountain, the secret place of the Most High, about its quiet beauty in purity, its fresh mist and soft winds of peaceful strength, where the heavy soul is free to rise above the vistas of Earth, and the heart’s eye can wander far beyond the clouds above the tumultuous valleys into the glorious expanse and catch the glimpse of the lights of Home, of God’s Promised Land, where true-lovers’ eyes meet and heartstrings are quickened with Heaven’s powerful love -- a song of triumph of righteousness and grace, of justice and love, of childlike beauty of humbleness of spirit and the power of Truth, of the Almighty, where one lays down all burden of sin and learns to sing the sweetness of forgiving and of being forgiven, of restoring true joy to the heart and health to the bones and youthfulness to the aged, of that long awaited moment that finally blooms in Perfection, just the way it was made by the beautiful soft touch of the Ultimate Lover, the One who first loved us, the Lover of our souls, who said, “Let not your heart be troubled, ye believe in God, believe also in Me: In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so I would have told you. “For I go to prepare a place for you .. And when I go to prepare a place for you I will come again, and receive you unto Myself: That where I am, there you may be also!” (John 14:1-3) To walk in the atmosphere of heaven, above the din and bustle of earth’s busy noise, even in our walk in this valley below, what a privilege to walk daily that powerful walk like Enoch, to commune with God – Jesus Christ, the fairest of ten thousand, the unfailing Lover of our souls, God Himself! And He is coming again – Jesus is coming again, soon! Once you’ve found that secret place of the Most High, how about sharing with someone along the journey, to cheer and uplift and bring them to the Savior, the Lord of the Sabbath, of true Love and rest for the soul? TRUE REST FOR YOUR SOUL Jesus, the Lord of the Sabbath, died to uphold His loving precious precepts, His unchanging law and His Sabbath, and paid the penalty required by His law for the payment of our sins, for our salvation, because the law could not be changed. Millions, however, have forgotten His law and the Sabbath seal in His Ten commandments. Jesus is still reaching out His nail-pierced hands to you and I. Will you give Him your heart? Your time? Your all? Will you love Him by keeping His Commandments ("If you love Me, keep My Commandments”), by keeping His Sabbath holy? He wants you to be home at last with Him. Will you be there for that great Sabbath morning when all the saints come marching in? Friend, please be there. Heaven would be a marvelous and sweet relief to all battle-worn soldiers who faithfully stand under Christ’s blood-stained banner to uphold God’s truth (above the doctrines and traditions of men) and keep His commandments and the faith of Jesus, and finally overcome in His strength. In this world we would have tribulation when we stand for Christ. But the harder the battle the sweeter Heaven would be. And we are promised victory and power to walk as He walked even here and now. The Savior is calling you and I to enlist in His loving cause. Friend, would you take time to be holy. To find time to search your heart and find your heart’s real need of Him who dost love you. To learn more of Him and His truth that He strove to keep – the faith of Jesus. To find His secret place and to walk daily in that foretaste of Heaven. Will you embrace His sign of relationship (“that you are My people”), His Sabbath day of rest. Will you accept His invitation, and find time to go to His mountain, to commune with Him and find true rest for your soul? Friend, will you embrace him as the Lord of the Sabbath? The Lord yearns, "Child, give me thine heart." And very soon, "Welcome Home, Children, this is the playside prepared for you!" May God bless you as you journey for Him. And we are with you .. our prayers go with you daily. Your praying friends in Christ, MELODIES OF PRAYER May Heaven’s beauty, power, and love fill your heart today.
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