
Rating: 7 (7)

Genres:  Various
Bitrate: 128
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Dubstep Records Dubstep Internet Radio AUDIO STREAMS They come in 2 formats, AAC and MP3. Each come in 4 bitrates, 256k, 128k, 64k, and 24k VIDEO STREAMS The main video feed/player can be found on the front page of the Dubstep.fm website. if a dj has webcams or support for video broadcasting, thats where you will be able to watch! While archived content is on the air (or when djs dont have video support) you will find one of 4 real time audio visualizations playing on the video feed, switching every so often to another one randomly. They come in 2 formats, HLS and FLV All streams are HD 1280x720 H264 video and 256k AAC audio. In addition to the web players you may use any external application that supports RTMP and/or HLS streaming such as VLC. 2 spectrograms One full and one split which shows the left and right channels separately. 2 waveforms One using lines and one using points You can find links to all audio and video feeds using the "Tune In" menu on the top right corner of the website. You can also find video feeds at http://www.dsfm.tv ARCHIVES Every (EVERY) show you hear on the air is available for immediate download. To download the currently playing archive simply visit: http://www.dubstep.fm/current To download a random archive simply visit: http://www.dubstep.fm/random To search for a specific archive simply visit: http://www.dubstep.fm/archives Direct link to the Dubstep.fm podcast feed: http://podcast.dubstep.fm The Dubstep.fm archives are now available via soundcloud. Thats right. All the way back to 2006! http://www.soundcloud.com/dubstepfm You can find the Dubstep.fm podcast via itunes at: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/dubstep-fm-podcast/id207981289?mt=2 I am currently in the middle of creating spectrum and waveform videos like the ones mentioned above for each archive and uploading to youtube. http://www.youtube.com/dubstepfm LIVE SHOWS Want one? You get access to all the wonderful stuff mentioned above. and so much more. a quick list is @dubstep.fm email address All shows are recorded by dubstep.fm (audio and/or video) Archives can be uploaded to your personal soundcloud or youtube accounts Live video streams can be multicasted out to youtube/twitch/ustream/etc during your show Access to a treasure trove of tracks that have been uploaded by the public to Dubstep.fm over the last 7 years. Hosting your archives until the internet falls apart Free free free free free free!! dont charge a dime. Your choice of dynamic (do shows whenever you want) or repeating show scheduling (weekly, etc) If your up for it http://www.dubstep.fm/apply Theres plenty more to come currently in the works to roll out within the next few months TUNE ID SERVICE Ever needed to know what that tune is called? Stop in the chat and trigger the bot to do a lookup! The bot will take a sample of whatever is currently playing on the air, and submit to the same services that soundhound, shazam, etc use for their tune identification. The bot will then either give you the tune id, the closest match, or send ya packin =] REQUEST/VOTE Submit a request of one of your own tunes or mixes to be played on the air. Any source can be used soundcloud, mixcloud, youtube. vimeo, facebook, twitch, ustream. (anywhere theres audio/video files available to the public) The request will be queued up and played after teh current liveshow or archive. Listeners can vote (like or dis) which will determine if the mix or tune will get permanantly added for playback.
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Qui a joué sur la radio:
Archive - 2009-11-08 - The Dented Sessions With Phaded From Chicago
Archive - 2010-12-17 - Biofunk Records Presents Mindbender From Seattle Wa
Archive - 2009-10-06 - Sub Traction Online With Atlanta Dubstep
Archive - 2010-02-26 - Tgif Renegade Ftw With Seam
Archive - 2013-05-30 - Muted Audio Show From Nottingham Uk
Archive - 2011-04-19 - Jaimeledubstep With Construct From Montreal
Archive - 2010-02-26 - Supernormous Shuffle With Kidlogic From La
Archive - 2012-10-25 - Sucka Free Showcase With Nawte Kong And Rastatronics From Temple Sf
Archive - 2009-01-17 - Part Time Sucker Radio With Jeekoos Cringer And Searchl1Te
Archive - 2013-12-14 - Mugzy From Portland
Archive - 2011-01-13 - Shambles Radio Thursday Edition From San Diego
Archive - 2015-11-22 - Evolution Of Dubstep With Jviz Dmn1 And Supreme
Archive - 2008-11-04 - Roguedub Renegade With Fstz From Kansas City
Archive - 2013-10-23 - Jviz Presents Earthquake Weather In Los Angeles
Archive - 2009-11-01 - Shambles Sunday Renegade From The Hideout
Archive - 2013-01-05 - Bwomp With Guest Teknian From La
Archive - 2014-02-08 - The Deep End With Mortal Grey From Portland
Archive - 2008-11-03 - Bristol Sessions With Superisk And Kahn
Archive - 2008-08-02 - Tminus And Shambles Renegade Dub Sesh
Archive - 2008-11-23 - Supernormous Renegade Session With Kidlogic
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Genre: Various
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