Channel 107 - The Home of Great Soundtracks

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Channel 107 - The Home of Great Soundtracks

Genre: Soundtrack
A Station for the WELFARE of us all. - The Home Of Great Soundtracks, Programmes & People Covering the issues that face us all that don't necessarily get mainstream media coverage, a station for the WELFARE of us all. Channel 107 Is the Home of The Museum - Movie Hits, Independent Hits, 107 Sketches, Spoof News and Interviews Late Night Radio - Imaginative, Evocative and emotional soundtrack themes written for fantasy places in games, movies and more. The Movie Soundtrack Hour - Great Hollywood themes and other film music. Ex-Chart Show: Forgotten Gems - Playing the chart songs from the nineties and noughties that other stations have kicked off their playlists. Mashups, Ex-Chart Hits, Covers, Follow-Ups and Instrumentals. Chill - Emotional movie songs, laid back folk and country POPcorn Party - High energy entertainment hits. Syndicated Shows - Look out for these on the air! The DJ BOB Show - New music and cool Interviews The Raz Man Reality Radio Show - Film, DVD & Blu-Ray talk with the Raz. The Nerdvana Show - Spontaneous banter Beyond Fiction - Paranormal Talk RETURNING SOON PT's Really Big Show - Relax and take in the world as seen through the eyes of Planet Texas who can easily talk for 2 hours and only get broken up by a song or two The Smooth Music Show with DJ Mal - The Smoothest music on this planet. Rhodders' Student Radio Show - Wacky student anecdotes and off the wall commentary Old Time Radio - When life was less complicated Father Knows Best - Go back to a time in the fifties when American family life was as simple as can be LISTEN LIVE (with selected shows at 192kbps!) Channel 107 is licensed with PRS for Music and PPL in the UK.
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Channel 107 - The Home of Great Soundtracks
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