Radio Foorti Ltd. - Do Foorti 88FM Hippest Radio Station of the nation. Foorti brings you all the latest music. 24/7 entertainment all around the world.Radio FoortiAfter a successful month of testing, Radio Foorti hit the airwaves on the 22nd of September in 2006, introducing the FM culture back to Bangladesh. Now Broadcasting on a frequency of 88 FM, Radio Foorti is one of the first stations to obtain and make use of a new ordinance allowing broadcast radio to take off. Armed with Apu as their first radio jockey, the station sought to provide quality music and entertainment through a media largely ignored throughout the satellite television boom. Initially only able to be heard across Dhaka, Radio Foorti expanded aggressively, hitting Chittagong airwaves in July of 2007 and ensuring Sylhet got Foorti at 89.8 MHz from the 1st of February of 2008, while changing it's own Dhaka frequency to 88.0 MHz to ensure that no barrier can overcome a listener and their demand for Foorti. In August 2010 Radio Foorti has Foortified the people of Khulna,Rajshahi, Barisal, Mymensingh, and Cox's Bazaar thus covering the broad area of Bangladesh and making Radio Foorti the biggest station in Bangladesh!! BANGLADESH FOORTIFIED at 88 FM While the radio station itself has expanded, but the aim hasn't changed. Radio Foorti still plays a wide variety of music, ranging from golden classics to the latest song released from the top artists in Bangladesh, even mixing the hottest international tracks into the playlist. Through its network of friendly radio jockeys, constant audience interaction via text messages and special features allowing fans to get closer to their favorite stars, Radio Foorti has helped redefine the FM culture and has helped usher in a new way for music to be heard and for entertainment to be enjoyed. Do Foorti! The Biggest & Hippest Radio Station in Bangladesh Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet, Mymensingh, Barisal, Khulna, Rajshahi, Cox's Bazar, Noakhali, Bogra
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