CyberFM Bob Dylan said: The line, it is drawn, The curse, it is cast The slow one will later be fast And the present now, Will soon be the past The order is rapidly fadin' The first one now, Will later be last For the times, They are a changin' Cyber-FM Radio is a thought leader in providing listeners access to music that is not normally available within the "Mainstream." Chosen over the years by leading A&R Firms, Recording Studios, and Record Labels, we now also offer our innovative services directly to listeners at absolutely no charge. Founded in 2007, we have built our reputation in the Music Industry by providing our Listeners with Artists that portray an unmatched talent regularly unavailable until now. We are always striving to improve our services, continiously raising the bar for ourselves. Welcome to CyberFM! Either by your choice, the redirection of a search engine, a technical error, or a solar or extraterrestrial event, you have landed at the newest and largest revolution in Internet radio. So sit back, load up your media player, and put on one of our fabulous channels. Get lost in the music without being tethered to FM signals, or even work to it. Stay tuned and you may hear chances to win prizes like concert tickets, gift cards, and more. We also have forums if you want to discuss with our other listeners. Love, CyberFM We work with our clients on both sides of the spectrum to understand their business objectives and customize our services to suit their requirements. Artists the Airplay they deserve, while Advertisers reach a global audience that was impossible to obtain prior. We pride ourselves in delivering over 50% savings in day-to-day technical operations so we pass savings on to advertisers directly. By continually combining our creative thinking with the best in technology, people, and methodology, we provide superior quality and a cost-effective alternative to traditional Radio, Artist Promotion, and On-Air Advertising while providing an infinite Global outreach! Our suite of products for Advertisers and Artists include On-Air Advertising, Record Sales, Web Site Advertising, Live Marketing, Merchandise Promotion, and getting Unsigned Artists, signed! The staff at Cyber-FM welcome you to our site, and as always, we value your feedback. If you would like to offer any suggestions to us or just tell us what a great job we are doing, feel free to contact us at
Live now:
Qui a joué sur la radio:
Lou Reed - Dirty Blvd.
Whitesnake - Is This Love
Alice Cooper - Who Do You Think We Are
Duran Duran - I Don't Want Your Love (Shep Pettibone 7'' Mix)
Skid Row - I Remember You
The Firm - Radioactive
Peter Cetera - Glory Of Love
Starship - We Built This City
David Bowie - Modern Love (2018 Remaster)
Duran Duran - I Don't Want Your Love (Shep Pettibone 7'' Mix)
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Le promoteur d'Osheaga annonce ce midi l'ensemble de la programmation du festival. La Presse a appris que Donald Glover, alias Childish Gambino, clôturerait l'évènement le 4 août prochain.