The 1873 FM – Your Voice Your Power – A Member of The 1873 Network. The 1873 FM is an initiative of The 1873 Network.YOUR VOICE, YOUR POWER!!The 1873 Network values: WE BELIEVE THAT: All men are created equal. They are endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable rights. Among these are life, libe...rty and pursuit of happiness. The individual is a driver of change. Life has no meaning and purpose without faith in the Creator. The sovereignty of nations is less important than the brotherhood of man. Economic freedom can best be won by sovereign humans through a market system. To secure the intended rights of men, governments are instituted among men and they derive their just powers from the consent, acquiescence and silence of the governed. The true purpose of business and human life is to serve humanity. The rule of law is more important than the rule of man. The Creator’s material endowments can only have value through human effort. Mission Our mission is to give members a platform to: be inspired, discover, be equipped, associate/connect and share their experiences (IDEAS). ... Vision To be the world’s largest Afrocentric network. The 1873 Network values: WE BELIEVE THAT: All men are created equal. They are endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable rights. Among these are liberty, life and pursuit to happiness. The individual is a driver of change. Life has no meaning and purpose without faith in the Creator. The sovereignty of nations is less important than the brotherhood of man. Economic freedom can best be won by sovereign humans through a market system. To secure the intended rights of men, governments are instituted among men and they derive their just powers from the consent, acquiescence and silence of the governed. The true purpose of business and human life is to serve humanity. The rule of law is more important than the rule of man. The Creator’s material endowments can only have value through human effort. Objectives The main objects of the THE 1873 NETWORK are: To identify, document and showcase Africa’s corporate rich heritage; To provide a platform for the exchange of ideas, experiences and insights on Africa’s challenges and opportunities; To be an advocate for the interests of members on issues that are critical to raise the corporate flag of Africa; To promote the participation of Africans in shaping and defining the agenda for action to make Africa live up to its promise; To assist in building Africa’s capacity to fund the documentation of its own case studies that can then be used to enhance financial and corporate literacy; To identify, strengthen and motivate African people to enter the corporate market; To engage the energy and the talent of the young and emerging leaders in Africa in order to release their potential to build a good society for all people; To identify, document and showcase Africa’s corporate rich heritage To provide a platform for the exchange of ideas, experiences and insights on Africa’s challenges and opportunities;30 September 2015The main objects of the THE 1873 NETWORK are: To identify, document and showcase Africa’s corporate rich heritage; To provide a platform for the exchange of, experiences and insights on Africa’s challenges and opportunities; To be an advocate for the interests of members on issues that are critical to raise the corporate flag of Africa; To promote the participation of Africans in shaping and defining the agenda for action to make Africa live up to its promise; To assist in building Africa’s capacity to fund the documentation of its own case studies that can then be used to enhance financial and corporate literacy; To identify, strengthen and motivate African people to enter the corporate market; To engage the energy and the talent of the young and emerging leaders in Africa in order to release their potential to build a good society for all people; We pride ourselves as a station of being bridge builders. We strive to provoke, ignite and inspire our audiences to think and act outside boxes whether in terms of thought or deeds.
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Qui a joué sur la radio:
Kool & The Gang - Get Down On It
Gladys Knight And The Pips - Midnight Train To Georgia
Will To Power - Baby, I Love Your Way-Freebird
Foreigner - I Don't Want To Live Without Your Love
Phil Collins - Another Day In Paradise
Mcfadden & Whitehead - Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now
Bee Gees - Stayin' Alive
The Commodores - Still
Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse Of The Heart
Cyndi Lauper - I Drove All Night
Fine Young Cannibals - She Drives Me Crazy
U2 - I Still Haven't Found What I'm
Extreme - More Than Words
Roxette - It Must Have Been Love
Seinabo Sey - Younger (Kygo Remix (I Love House Edit))
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