Area 24 Radio brings the lost art of free form radio to the fingertips of the entire world. Our programming brings the best rock, space, funk, folk, world, blues, jazz, spoken word and infinite weirdness to your ears every single day. Our program hosts have a diverse and extensive range of musical tastes. It is radio the way it SHOULD be!! Check us out! OUR STAFF: General Manager: Christine Potter Music Director: Tom Jones Program Director: Treavor Hastings Program Producers: Lou Cannizzaro, Gus Mason, Terry D'Attore, Yao Cunningham, Stevie J, Joe Nicoletti, Scott Staton, Allen Rosenberg, Zack Chaikin, Dan Lennane and Maria Valdemmi Set Your Cyber Dials to for these great programs.(all times ET) MONDAY: 3-5pm THE VOICE OF THE TURTLE w/ Tom Jones 5-7pm SONIC SHOCK THERAPY (replay) w/ Treavor Hastings 7-9pm RANDOM MADNESS w/ Lou Cannizzaro TUESDAY: 11a-3pm LOST AT SEA w/ Allan Rosenberg 5p-7pm THIS SIDE OF PARADISE w/ Stevie J (alternating weeks) WEDNESDAY: 6-8pm THE ROCK NERD w/ Dan Lennane 8p-10p MIX TAPE RADIO w/ Hang the DJ (Also DIY Radio) THURSDAY: 4-6pm THE VOICE OF THE TURTLE w/ Tom Jones 7-9pm HUDSON VALLEY JAM w/ Joe Nicoletti & Scott Staton FRIDAY: 10a-2pm SONIC SHOCK THERAPY w/ Treavor Hastings (LIVE) 3-5pm THE DINNER PARTY w/ Christine Potter 3-5pm THE OLD FART AT PLAY w/ Zack Chaikin SATURDAY: 10a-Noon A-440 AND BEYOND w/ Terry D'Attore 12p-2p ROCKLAND CALLING w/ Hang the DJ (DIY Radio) 12a-2a: THE MAN OF ACTION'S RENT PARTY w/ Rich Jackson SUNDAY: 6p-9p: THE GROUP HARMONY ALLEY w/ Christine Vitale FLOATING SHOWS: GUS MASON'S LAMENT w/ Gus Mason BROTHER FROM THE 3rd STONE w/ Yao Cunningham
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Terry D'attore - A-440...and Beyond 080820
On Air - We Are Live From Studio Q
Terry D'attore - A-440...and Beyond 080820
Area 24 Radio Announcement - Tj- Up Next- A-440...and Beyond