Hawaiian Pacific Radio

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ध्वनि प्रारूप: MP3
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Hawaiian Pacific Radio

Hawaiian Pacific Radio (KOGY 95) is a Hawaiian and Pacific Island Radio Station located in Lahaina, Maui. We have a unique blend of Hawaiian Contemporary and Traditional music, Pacific Island Reggae and Pop/Soul of the 60's, 70's and Motown. Join Hawaiian Pacific Radio as we "Ride the Rhythm of the Islands" around the world. Our schedule is posted on our website at www.HawaiianPacificRadio.com.
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Ponchoman - Do You Remember
Cliff Richard - We Don't Talk Anymore
Mike Walker - Hawaiian Pacific Radio (Go Back))
Bob Taylor Productions - Phoenix Image 11
Carly Simon - Haven't Got Time For The Pain
Ka'ala Boys - Surf Party
Classics Iv - Spooky
Eden Roc - Need To Know
The Fixx - One Thing Leads To Another
John Lennon - Jealous Guy
The Temptations - The Way You Do The Things You Do
John Lennon - Jealous Guy
Orleans - Love Takes Time
Manoa Dna - No'eno'e Maika'i Ke Aloha
Side Salad - Do The Right Thing
Helen Reddy - Angie Baby
Fear Nuttin Band - It's Not So Easy
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Lupa & Guidance - One Away Woman
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Hawaiian Pacific Radio
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