WKSU is Kent State University’s award-winning NPR News and Classical Music public radio station. wksu.org, @wksu on TwitterWKSU provides the best in NPR and other public radio programming, including locally produced classical and folk music, to Northeast Ohio terrestrially from 89.7… in Akron and repeater stations in Wooster, Dover/New Philadelphia, Thompson and Norwalk (along with broadcast antennas in Boardman and Ashland) - and everywhere the Internet reaches from WKSU.org. WKSU welcomes your thoughts on stories appearing on WKSU’s digital platforms. WKSU hopes comments on its digital platforms will inspire civil discourse about t…he reporting appearing on www.wksu.org and the social media platforms on which it engages. WKSU welcomes critical comments. However, personal attacks, profanity or hate speech are among those that will not be accepted. All comments submitted to www.wksu.org are reviewed by WKSU news staff who will determine whether to accept or decline a comment. Approved comments will appear as they are submitted, without editing. WKSU news staff also closely monitors its social media accounts and reserves the right to remove any comment and block individual accounts it deems inappropriate. The decisions of the WKSU news staff on these matters are final. Public radio, NPR and regional news, classical music, folk music. http://www.wksu.org/ letters@wksu.org