KVTO - AM1400 灣區第一家每天 24 小時為亞裔市民服務的電台. 全灣區最高收聽率的華語電台. KVTO 的擁有人是全灣區唯一一位居住於三藩市的美藉亞裔 電台持牌人. 廣告推廣. The first radio station to serve the Asian population of the Bay Area 24 hours a day. The most listened-to Chinese station in the Bay Area. The only radio station in the Bay Area owned 100% by a San Francisco resident. The only radio station in the Bay Area owned by an Asian- American woman. http://kvto.net
Kahuna04.26.2013 (20:16)0
love this station :) what was that bosa nova like sweet dreams earlyer?
Barrett Knovak03.10.2011 (11:55)0
This isn t for normal idiot radio listeners . this is for people who know music . what a playlist. Wow!