We offer the listeners not only listening, but also the Zusehen.All4u radio station gives visitors an event that remains in good memory and even after the event, still bears fruit. Sun e.g. also repeats the event's on our live stream where guests can see everything mala alone nor can and can repeat their memories of that day.All4u radio station offers bands, singers, a worldwide opportunity to present themselves to the radio. The transmitter offers newcomer band, and bands with a lot of experience to the service on tour. There will be broadcast live from the event, or if there is no Internet connection, a record is made which is then announced as retransmission in the program and played.
DjFrogy201201.15.2013 (14:12)0
All4u radio station today is 100 days on Air from 14:00 clock going there from 18:00 clock large stream Take our moderators "the radio what makes happy"