Audio Journal broadcasts local information which can be heard on a special receiver, obtained at no cost by contacting us. Audio Journal is also carried on 42 community cable access TV stations.
Providing Audio Access for Information, Culture & Opportunities for the sight impaired in the Worcester, Massachusett's Communities. Programming can also be heard on "smart speakers,: ie: "Alexa play radio station audio journal." There is no charge for our receivers and our broadcast service is free. Donations from listeners to help defray the cost of the receiver are always gratefully accepted. The mission of Audio Journal, a nonprofit radio, cable, telephone, and online reading service, is to inform, educate and empower people who are visually impaired by providing access to information, culture, and employment opportunities. We achieve our mission by having volunteers come to our studio to read aloud newspapers, magazines, grocery and... Receivers are also available on loan to provide temporary access to the service for those with a print disability due to surgery or other temporary causes. Call 508.797.1117 or email