Discover Trance Radio

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Discover Trance Radio

类型: 舞蹈音乐 - Trance
The most up-to-date trance resource! Trance for life! Trance is an electronic dance music genre developed in 1990s. The genre is generally characterized by epic breakdowns that slowly tantalize the audience with slow build-ups that lead to an emotional tension release of the song. The tempo of the genre generally ranges between 128 and 140 bpm (beats per minute). See More
Skoen - Trancechill 904 [Repeat]
Dj Alex John - Alex John - Trancemeditation Ep.173 [Repeat]
Live Femaleatworktrancedj - Trancesensuals
Dfx - Kick Start 480 [Repeat]
Mr. Smith - Smith Sessions Radioshow 196 [Repeat]
Uplifting Sound - Dancing Rain ( Uplifting Trance Mix Episode 266 ) - 19. 12. 2018 [Repeat]
Mehdi Bey - Massive Sound Of Algeria 403 [Repeat]
Dave Deen - Discover Trance Radio 177 [Repeat]
The Boss Karl Forde Trance Vision 138 Trance Mix Episode 330
Daniel Skyver & Yoshi & Razner - Nocturnal Knights 082 [Repeat]
Andy - Entrancing Melodies 110 [Repeat]
Karl Forde Trance Vision 138 Episode 195 [Repeat]
Trance All-Stars Records - Escape From Silence #204 [Repeat]
Karl Forde Trance Vision 138 Episode 128 [Repeat]
Northpole - Ultima 104 [Repeat]
Dr Riddle - Mysterious Station 208 (14.07.2018) [Repeat]
Live Javs - Found Treasures 842 ( 4 #discovertrance Join A Chat )
Patrick Delsine - Ambitions 565 (2022-10-21)
Karl Forde Trance Vision 138 Episode 178 [Repeat]
Bert Voorman - Avalanche
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